CSS Minifier Provided By Blogging Prince

CSS Minifier Provided By Blogging Prince

This CSS Minifier is a free tool provided by BloggingPrince.com

What is CSS in Blogger?

Among, the web development languages available for Blogger blogs is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets);

a very important language used in styling web contents.

Generally, CSS is used for beautifying a blog/webiste. Any website without CSS on it

will definitely look basic and scattered.

Why do we need CSS Minifier?

Since, we can not do without the use of CSS in blogspot template design,

we have to then minify this CSS to prevent it from affecting the pagespeed of our blog.

The CSS minifier above, performs this exact function of reducing the size of your website CSS file

this will enable your site to load faster on all devices.

How to use the CSS Minifier.

  1. Copy your theme CSS
  2. Using CTRL + V paste the CSS into the minifier
  3. Click Compress CSS and it will minify it.
  4. Select All and copy. thats all.